Today’s Primalmed Prescription…Listen to the Music!
A look back at the PrimalMed playlist for 2024… What’s your favorite?
It’s a gray misty morning here in Connecticut. A bit warmer than usual. A few confused birds still chirping, not sure if and when they should make the trek down to Boca Raton for the winter.
As I enjoy my second espresso (with a splash of foamed half n half and a sprinkle of cinnamon), and ponder my next post, I decided to first look back at the PrimalMed posts from 2024. And why not? I mean, if the New York Times can feature a retrospective on the top stories or top songs for the year, why not Your PrimalMed Prescription?
Did you know that each of the PrimalMD posts feature a song or two at the end. If you read the posts, then you know there is always a treat at the end. They’re magically delicious. Each tune carefully selected as a tie-in to the featured topic!
Did you know that most times, I hear the song first which THEN spurs the creative thought process as I craft the post.
So here is the year in review, the 2024 PrimalMed playlist. 22 songs. In each post is the Spotify link. Link em all together and make it YOUR playlist. It will certainly make your next run or walk a bit more fun and enjoyable.
Jan 1. Get SMART ….Rock n Roll all Nite ( Kiss)
Jan 20. Endurance!…Born to Run ( Bruuuuuuce)
Feb 10. Avoid the online Rabbit-Holes…White Rabbit (Jefferson Airplane)
Feb 26. Muscle Counts!…What do all the people know? (The Monroes)
March 17. Pull the Protein Lever!…Another Brick in the Wall Pt 2 ( Pink Floyd), and Tumbling Dice (The Rolling Stones)
April 24. It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature… Mother Nature’s Son (The Beatles) and New Frontier (Donald Fagen)
June 16. Know your limits…Walk don’t Run (The Ventures)
June 22. Momento Mori Pt 2…Circle of Life (Elton John) and Oh Very Young (Cat Stevens)
July 28. Sprint!…TNT (AC/DC) and Chariots of Fire (Vangelis)
Aug 24. ABC-Always Be Curious…ABC (The Jackson 5)
Aug 31. Build your Foundation…Build me up Buttercup (The Foundations) and 100 years (Five for Fighting)
Sept 30. Eat more, move less?…Le Freak (Chic) and Wake me up when September Ends (Green Day)
Oct 19. Be NEAT!…Your Mother should know (The Beatles)
Dec 11. Vienna waits for you…Vienna ( Billy Joel)
So at PrimalMed, we ask, HOW do we go from knowing to doing?
Look at the posts, review them if you wish or head down to the TL;DR. Let me know what your favorite post or song was in the comments.
Listen to the MUSIC…and enjoy your espresso☕️
Go to Spotify and search for my public playlist PrimalMed 2024. Curated and crafted especially for you!
Ted Metzger, MD is a practicing board certified Radiologist as well as founder and owner of PrimalMed, LLC. PrimalMed educates and advocates on Metabolic Health and Wellness, as seen through the lens of a curious radiologist.
Ellen Metzger MS, RD - the other half of the PrimalMed team, is an Integrative Registered Dietitian, addressing ancestral and primal nutrition principles as drivers of metabolic health and wellness.
The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. Consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on the PrimalMed website.
My favorite is that dynamic duo in the photo!
Is that Jordan on clarinet?